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Suche Visual-Basic Code
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln 
Autor: gaschi14
Datum: 22.04.08 11:29

    If strType = "RDIMM" And strFootnote = "1" Then
        Set xmlFootnote = xml.createElement("Footnote")
        myNode.appendChild xmlFootnote
        subxmlAttribute "Id", myFootPos, xmlFootnote
        subxmlText "Module", xmlFootnote
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText "is calculated on the basis of component ", xmlFootnote
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText "and includes currents of Registers and PLL. ODT disabled." & _
          "", xmlFootnote
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD1, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD4R, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText "and ", xmlFootnote
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD7, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText " are defined with the outputs disabled.", xmlFootnote
    End If
    If strType = "UDIMM" And strFootnote = "1" Then
        Set xmlFootnote = xml.createElement("Footnote")
        myNode.appendChild xmlFootnote
        subxmlAttribute "Id", myFootPos, xmlFootnote
        subxmlText "Calculated values from component data. ODT disabled. ", _
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD1, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD4R, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText "and ", xmlFootnote
        Set xml_PhysicalSymbolElement = xml.createElement("PhysicalSymbol")
        subPhysicalValueElement "I", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subSubscriptElement "DD7, ", xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        xmlFootnote.appendChild xml_PhysicalSymbolElement
        subxmlText " are defined with the outputs disabled.", xmlFootnote
    End If
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Tabelle in XML umwandeln3.073gaschi1422.04.08 11:21
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.495gaschi1422.04.08 11:21
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.328gaschi1422.04.08 11:23
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.296gaschi1422.04.08 11:24
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.283gaschi1422.04.08 11:25
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.240gaschi1422.04.08 11:26
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.250gaschi1422.04.08 11:27
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.221gaschi1422.04.08 11:27
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.303gaschi1422.04.08 11:27
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.310gaschi1422.04.08 11:28
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.257gaschi1422.04.08 11:28
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.309gaschi1422.04.08 11:29
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.275gaschi1422.04.08 11:29
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.268gaschi1422.04.08 11:30
Re: Tabelle in XML umwandeln1.286gaschi1422.04.08 11:30

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