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VB.NET - Ein- und Umsteiger
Re: Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move 
Autor: Gizmo2011
Datum: 15.11.12 10:33

Ich habe mir das BSP angesehen da ich noch nicht controls verschoben habe und ich neu auf dem Gebiet bin.

Public Class Form1
    Dim _dragging As Boolean = False
    Dim _controlPoint As Point
    Private Sub Label1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _
      MouseEventArgs) _
                                                                        Handles _
        Dim lbl As Label = DirectCast(sender, Label)
        ' If the label is somehow free-floating we'll lust let it be
        If (TableLayoutPanel1.Contains(lbl)) Then
            Dim mousePoint As Point = Cursor.Position ' mouse position in 
            ' screen coordinates
            _controlPoint = lbl.PointToClient(mousePoint) ' offset from (0, 0) 
            ' in label coordinates
            ' This is the location of the label's (0, 0) in screen coordinates.
            Dim screenLocation As Point = New Point(mousePoint.X - _
              _controlPoint.X, _
                                                    mousePoint.Y - _
            ' Remove the label from the panel and make it a child of the form; 
            ' bring it to 
            'the front to make sure it's not hidden behind the panel.
            ' Move the label to the position it was in before we removed it 
            ' from the table, and
            ' indicate the control is being dragged.
            lbl.Location = Me.PointToClient(screenLocation)
            _dragging = True
        End If
    End Sub

MFG Gizmo

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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move1.476Gizmo201115.11.12 09:44
Re: Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move938ModeratorDaveS15.11.12 10:21
Re: Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move901Gizmo201115.11.12 10:33
Re: Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move1.008ModeratorDaveS15.11.12 12:09
Re: Tablelayoutcontainer Controls Move867ModeratorDaveS16.11.12 19:15

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