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VB.NET - Ein- und Umsteiger
Implicitly Typed Variable Declaration 
Autor: Melkor
Datum: 24.06.07 13:45

VS Orcas Prof gerade installiert, versuche ich es für den Anfang mit dem bekannten Beispiel aus MSDN und stolpere schon bei der ersten Deklaration. Bei
Dim countries = {  _
  New Country With { .Name = "Palau", .Area = 458, .Population = 16952 }, _
  New Country With { .Name = "Monaco", .Area = 1.9, .Population = 31719 }, _
  New Country With { .Name = "Belize", .Area = 22960, .Population = 219296 }, _
  New Country With { .Name = "Madagascar", .Area = 587040, .Population _
bekomme ich die Meldung

Array initializers are valid only for arrays, but the type of 'countries' is 'Object'

Häh? Und bei dem weiteren Code
        Dim smallCountries = From country In countries _
                             Where country.Population < 1000000 Select country
        For Each country In smallCountries

Expression of type 'Object' is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an assembly reference and/or namespace import for the LINQ provider.

Was man dann auch verstehen kann. Aber laut MSDN

The declaration also illustrates implicitly typed local-variable declarations, where the compiler infers the type of the local variable Countries from the initializer expression on the right side of the declaration. The declaration above is precisely equivalent to an explicitly typed local-variable declaration of type Country().

Copy Code
Dim countries As Country() = {...}

To repeat, this is still a strongly typed declaration; the compiler has automatically inferred the type of the right side of the local declaration, and there is no need for the programmer to enter that type into the program manually.

Vorsichtshalber habe ich Option Infer On und Imports System.Linq geschrieben, hat aber nichts gebracht. Nun, was ist? Da es schon Leute hier gibt mit anscheinend langfristiger VB 9 Erfahrung hoffe ich auf eine rasche Antwort.

Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do - Isaac Asimov

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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
Implicitly Typed Variable Declaration729Melkor24.06.07 13:45
Re: Implicitly Typed Variable Declaration450Melkor24.06.07 15:19

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