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VB & Windows API
SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE 
Autor: harpo6618
Datum: 21.04.09 12:24

Hallo Friends,

I'm a beginner in programming with VB.NET.
I have a button in an application (ArcGIS). This button opens a form. This form should always appear in front of the application-window (not always on top of the screen !).
I tried this with the API-function SetWindowPos, but there is only the possibility to send the form behind an other window (hWndInsertAfter):

Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal wFlags As Integer) As Integer

How can I send the form "over" the application-window ?
And is this possible without a timer ?
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 ThemaViews  AutorDatum
SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE3.522harpo661821.04.09 12:24
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.952ModeratorMartoeng21.04.09 13:49
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE2.036harpo661821.04.09 14:32
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.966ModeratorMartoeng21.04.09 18:21
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.857harpo661822.04.09 14:22
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.839ModeratorMartoeng22.04.09 16:34
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.835harpo661823.04.09 08:02
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.786ModeratorMartoeng23.04.09 11:52
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.803harpo661823.04.09 12:39
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.899ModeratorMartoeng23.04.09 13:00
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.859harpo661824.04.09 12:17
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE2.162harpo661824.04.09 12:41
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.890ModeratorMartoeng24.04.09 13:11
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.655harpo661824.04.09 15:47
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.694ModeratorMartoeng27.04.09 10:18
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.849harpo661827.04.09 12:53
Re: SetWindowPos hWndInsertBEFORE1.731ModeratorMartoeng27.04.09 13:01

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